Beauty and the Beast

Beauty and the Beast

The kids will love this NODA award-winning version of Beauty & the Beast, which sticks firmly to the original fairy story, while at the same time introducing plenty of fresh and original ideas. The comedy routines include the funniest game of musical chairs you’ve ever seen, a trip to the countryside on Space Hoppers and Dame Peekaboo and her gardening friends tackling a bunch of pesky moles with water pistols. Plus, good and bad fairies, ugly sisters (showing up in the wrong panto) and a cheeky talking sheep called Lampard  Read NODA Review



Copyright information: All of our perusal copies are copy and print protected. Downloading a perusal script does not convey any rights to perform that script, in whole or in part, without first obtaining a performing licence from this web site. 

Beauty – The Heroine
The Beast / Leopold –  a prince.
Dame Peekaboo – The Cook
Lampard – Peekaboo’s talking sheep.
Elvinia – A wicked fairy
Aurora – A good fairy
Tom Goodenough – Beauty’s Father
Bernice  –  Beauty’s sister
Denise  – Beauty’s sister
Bertie Piddle-Hinton – An aristocrat
Aubrey Huffington – Another aristocrat
Bernard – The Beast’s Butler
Mrs Pickles – The Beast’s servant
Chives – Goodenough’s housekeeper.
Plus, a chorus of fairies, townspeople, children, party guests and castle guards.

Scene One – Beauty’s House.
Scene Two – Fairyland
Scene Three – Beauty’s House.
Scene Four – Beauty’s Garden
Scene Five – Grounds of the Beast’s Castle
Scene Six –  Beauty’s House.
Scene Seven – The Beast’s Castle

Scene One – The Ballroom
Scene Two – Fairyland
Scene Three – The Ballroom
Scene Four – A Country Lane
Scene Five –  Beauty’s Cottage
Scene Six – A Country Lane
Scene Seven – The Beast’s Castle